All countries are on High Alert.
There were 1.4 billion humans expected to die from the vaccines (Bio-weapon Attack) and the death counts chaos has already started.
Something Big was Coming. All the right people are scared, very scared. It’s Show Time! …White Hats
“Let’s finish what we started. Are you ready?”…The Donald
The Nephilim Used Religion To Divide And Conquer The Sons Of God.
The Globalist Globe To Be Exposed Next Watch The Water: The greatest challenge we will ever face is the ability to deprogram ourselves to the truth about our earth.
It’s all about the manipulation of our pure human DNA to create for themselves humanoid bodies to inhabit. This Nephilim hybrid human demonic race feed on our children and through the abduction scenario, take our children to D.U.M.B’s to experiment, torture, extract adrenochrome, traffic and genetically modified themselves to look like us. The Nephilim are no longer the giants of old with two rows of teeth with six fingers and toes. They’re the new men of renown who control all governments on earth which allows them to do their evil degenerate activities, genetic experiments and satanic rituals underground.
The Book Of Revelation Is Part Of The Programing. The irrefutable history behind the book of Revelation.
The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus The Irrefutable history behind Roman Emperor Constantine's ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out. Recently 777 books were found of the Bible hidden in the Vatican Archives. BTW, 777 is God's name in Hebrew. [1st Pic]
The sons of God lost control of Creation due to the worthless concepts of spirituality that the hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are born in our Father’s Love genetically encoded with His Righteousness we have a moral compass and know right from wrong.
Trump was born to complete the task that Jesus started. He knew the time would come to answer his calling to stand up and step in at this time in human history. Trump is not bound to any religious indoctrination and therefore he’s totally receptive to what has to be done so that our Heavenly Father’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.
It’s the cleansing and rebirth of our Earth. It’s the “Second Coming” where all original creation will be restored. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will fall again. United we Stand, Divided we Fall.
Trump Is Still The Commander In Chief & We’re Closer Than You Think….White Hats (Q)
Inside the Pentagon top Generals were waiting for the perfect moment to strike and arrest treasonous Deep State spies in their Military ranks and government.
China was preparing for war. Inside sources say China knows the imminent moment is coming when the U.S. Military will respond against China’s Covid-19 Bio-weapon attack.
Throughout the world China is currently positioning their Military Warships in over 60 countries and plan to take Taiwan soon.
Trump Is Still The Commander In Chief & We’re Closer Than You Think….White Hats (Q)
Inside the Pentagon top Generals were waiting for the perfect moment to strike and arrest treasonous Deep State spies in their Military ranks and government.
China was preparing for war. Inside sources say China knows the imminent moment is coming when the U.S. Military will respond against China’s Covid-19 Bio-weapon attack.
Throughout the world China is currently positioning their Military Warships in over 60 countries and plan to take Taiwan soon.
Biden was deliberately weakening US Military soldiers by enforcing the vaccines, knowing well that soldiers and military will be divided in a perfect time for China to strike and cause chaos through shipping stoppage and energy crisis.
All US Military are on High Alert.
In every country the Deep State Cabal was working hard and together to stop the 32 Nation Alliance Military from stepping in and stopping their Depopulation Agenda connected to resetting the global financial system.
The Deep State was bankrupt and in debt. In the past every time Deep State money went into major debt they created wars because their financial institutions could not sustain the growing societies. The wars made them money through supplying both sides with Military equipment and devaluing the currencies of the nations involved. When the currency was devalued the Deep State would buy it at the lower rates, only to exchange it at the higher rates created when the war was over.
Right now the Deep State was starting to withhold energy resources to bring about a global financial collapse. This Deep State Plan was now crumbling at many levels, plus exposure of their crimes was leaking out.
There was only one chance for all Military Alliance to strike together on their own Deep State governments and Deep State Military. The Chinese Communist Party knew this moment was coming. Within China a silent coup backed by the Alliance was happening.
All countries are on High Alert.
There were 1.4 billion humans expected to die from the vaccines (Bio-weapon Attack) and the death counts chaos has already started.
These important Chess Moves happening had to happen. The White Hats have taken a step backward in order for the enemy to use up their final moves and energy. Then the Strike happens.
The News is fake, the War is real. When I say a fake War I mean the Deep State has been planning these wars across the world for the sake of confusion – to have the sheep look away from the Truth of exposure of the Plandemic and Bio-weapon vaccines.
The White Hat Military will step in before a major Nuclear conflict erupts into a Holocaust.
It’s important and only common sense to have your 30 to 60 days of food, water and supplies on hand.
The Real News for Tues. 7 June 2022:
Military Arrests Michael Sussmann:
White Hats Intel: TRUMP COMMS: Time To Resign Joe, Kamala & The Scare Event Is Next Up [pt 1]. Trump delivered a two-part set of comms directed at Biden, Kamala, and the Fake News. The first statement is at 10:29am +> 10 + 29 = 39 = KAMALA. And 10:29 => 129 = PRESIDENT K.H. = GO JOSEPH BIDEN = OR FACE ARREST. 10:29 => TEN TWENTY NINE = 188 = JOE BIDEN, RESIGN NOW = THE NECESSARY SCARE. The capital letters of Trump’s statement = 246 = RESIGN PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN = HARRIS WILL BE PRESIDENT = Madam Harris Is A False False Flag = Military Transition. Trump appears to be acting as The Maestro (or Director) of The Movie, giving direction for Joe to go, and Kamala to step into the role of Fake President. (What a perfect set up for total incompetence as THE SCARE EVENT will likely be ‘botched’ by Kamala, and the Military will have to ‘step in’.)
Pentagon’s Vaccine Mandate May Have Met Its Match:
John Durham Report: Recently released handwritten notes reveal the FBI either lied or U.K. intelligence fed information to the U.S. agents investigating Donald Trump and his associates.
George Soros Invested $40 Million to Help Elect Dozens of Progressive Prosecutors Across the U.S.:
X22 Report Ep. 2792b-[D] Day. We Will Have Our Country Back The Deep State Admits Control Of The People Has Been Lost:
Kim Iversen: Inside The SECRET Bilderberg Meetings Between Spies, War Hawks And World Leaders: Kim Iverson breaks down the clandestine Bilderberg meetings that took place in Washington, D.C. this weekend.
Sam Walton was a CIA Agent – the Heinrich Himmler of the US – who was setting up FEMA Concentration Camps at his WallMart stores across the nation.
On Tues. 7 June 2022 Biden declared a state of emergency in the USA because of the threat of a shortage of power generation capacity for consumers and disruptions in energy markets.
A Caravan of 12,000 and growing armed would-be illegal immigrants were presently marching toward Eagle Pass, Texas.
Read the full article here:
Sam Walton was a CIA Agent – the Heinrich Himmler of the US – who was setting up FEMA Concentration Camps at his Wal-Mart stores across the nation.
The global food shortage was real, expected to be in full bloom by Fall and last through the end of 2023. You were advised to be prepared with food, fuel and water for your family and others who would need your help.
The Great Reset was the Deep State Plan to take over the world that included using fiat digital currency including Bitcoin, which was backed by nothing.
The Global Currency Reset was the Q Alliance Plan that was currently going into effect. The People have gained back control from the Deep State, their tax payer dollar/currencies of 209 nations. The GCR would reset those currencies to being gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other.
Tier 4B was composed of those in the general public who have bought foreign currencies which were rising in value due to the GCR. Those individuals would use a Redemption Center to exchange their foreign currencies at special higher rates after the Global Currency Reset completed. The Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Iranian Rial were among those currencies going up in value, while others were staying the same, or would be down in value.
The Zimbabwe Bond was also being purchased, proceeds of which could only be redeemed at a Redemption Center and used for humanitarian purposes.
Reminder on the Global Currency Reset: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon a life changing, earth shattering Event or Events that would eventually implode the global economy. That deadline would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.
Last week Charlie Ward was told by both the DOJ and DOD that there would be a mandated QFS silence for two weeks (or to mid-June).
On Tues. 7 June MarkZ reported that his Bank Contacts had asked him for reasons of safety, that he not report on Bond Holder or Reno activities.
All currencies of the 209 nations participating in the gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset have been determined to be ISO 200022 compliant and hooked up to the new Global Quantum Financial System.
The Deep State Plan was crumbling at many levels due to exposure of their crimes leaking out.
The Deep State fiat US Dollar was beginning to be worthless and could no longer be used for International Trade. Banks around the world were being shut down. High level Banking execs were either under investigation, or arrested and charged with treasonous crimes.
To date this year there have been 56+ plants that manufactured food which had been destroyed, mainly by fire.
In 1933, the U.S. federal government declared bankruptcy. President Roosevelt, its acting CEO, signed over to the US CORP, America’s assets, including THE PEOPLE, and our labor. In that bankruptcy of 1933, US CORP forced the American people to surrender their gold in trade for debt notes called “Dollars” – which was now Fiat Currency that has no real value, and that has been continually depreciated through inflation to where it was worth just 4 cents today.
· The bankruptcy of 1933 also put US CORP in a state of emergency, allowing it to implement Admiralty Law, made evident by the gold fringe around the American Flag. When in a US CORP courtroom, you are considered at sea – and not a “citizen” of America.
· By 1936 US CORP began issuing Social Security Numbers to turn otherwise sovereign Americans into trustees of corporate fictions, making our labor taxable, which would otherwise be unconstitutional. According to US CORP. you are not a live man or woman, ...
I want to assure you that the Ascension Process is happening in a full force, nothing can stop it. Did you notice how fast the months are passing by? The time has been speed up one more time to bring transformation, as soon as possible to Earth.
The delays are not acceptable anymore. Alliance was assigned to make required changes until a certain date, and they failed to fulfill their duties. They have been replaced with a new force of completely pure souls. Right now, their energies daily are accelerating the process of changes and raising the frequencies to unseen heights.
Originally, the Ascension Event was supposed to happen in 2001, when Twin Towers were destroyed in America. The direct Alliance’s responsibilities are the removal of the Dark Entities and make other changes needed for the transition. Unfortunately, they used non stop excuses, why they didn’t fulfill their mission.
Now, I can assure that you are on the road to your destination of 5D. Please, trust, stay positive ...
The Industrial military complex system will try to sway attention away from the NSA< LEAKS that proves the U.S. pentagon, CIA outside operations with Norway military and secret service blew up the Nordstream pipelines. Confirming the BIDEN CRIME FAMILY is destroying our world peace. and delaying NESARA.