When we speak of the power of thought, it is true. Thought moves through a field we call etheric space. We must consider matter which has form, that physical object, is now contained by time and space. But, in that matter is a space less dimension, the inter atomic spacing. As we can move an electron from its orbital shell, by impinging on a crystal with a photon of radiation which that crystal will absorb, we can cause that electron to shift to its orbital rotation and come back to a ground state. It emits a photon of light we call luminescence. [Currently being investigated as a means of propulsion in anti-gravity spaceships. https://www.seeker.com/star-in-a-jar-fusion-reactor-works-and-promises-infinite-energy-2134228965.html ]
The energy of the mind is focused in space and has the capacity to expand the lattice system in which it is projected released with intention. The beauty of this concept and activity is that this information is locked in and stored within the crystal in much the same manner as one stores a magnetic domain on ferromagnetic surfaces, i.e. recording tape or magnetic recording discs.
For more - http://vogelcrystals.net/marcelvogel.htm
Michael Tellinger found large primitive looking crystals in Africa that rang like a bell when struck, He speaks about the importance of these in this video -
https : // youtu.be/p8KWp61co1A
He states that these may have been used to store data on, as we can do today with quartz crystals. Our DNA can also store data, and transmit thought energy.
In science, one can move photons and quarks just by observing them. In the 1980s a friend and I had a close encounter with a UFO in NYC. It was north of us up near the Bronx when we saw it and pulled our car over. We got out to look at tit, hoping it was the Snoopy blimp with a message like COME TO STUDIO 54 - ST PADDY'S DAY PARTY! But it wasn't moving for us to see, until I said out loud - I WISH IT WOULD COME CLOSER SO WE COULD SEE WHAT IT IS. Well guess what it did? It came immediately closer and stopped about 200 feet over our heads. There is more to the story, but if no one responds to this - why go to the trouble of detailing it?
Let me just say it involves:
Missing Time
11:11 activation
Remote Viewing
Budd Hopkins (author of Missing Time) in NYC
More on thought energy - https : // youtu.be/9oB8qOQmjqc
*Spaces put into all https links to make them visible. To activate them - copy link and remove the spaces.
In 1933, the U.S. federal government declared bankruptcy. President Roosevelt, its acting CEO, signed over to the US CORP, America’s assets, including THE PEOPLE, and our labor. In that bankruptcy of 1933, US CORP forced the American people to surrender their gold in trade for debt notes called “Dollars” – which was now Fiat Currency that has no real value, and that has been continually depreciated through inflation to where it was worth just 4 cents today.
· The bankruptcy of 1933 also put US CORP in a state of emergency, allowing it to implement Admiralty Law, made evident by the gold fringe around the American Flag. When in a US CORP courtroom, you are considered at sea – and not a “citizen” of America.
· By 1936 US CORP began issuing Social Security Numbers to turn otherwise sovereign Americans into trustees of corporate fictions, making our labor taxable, which would otherwise be unconstitutional. According to US CORP. you are not a live man or woman, ...
I want to assure you that the Ascension Process is happening in a full force, nothing can stop it. Did you notice how fast the months are passing by? The time has been speed up one more time to bring transformation, as soon as possible to Earth.
The delays are not acceptable anymore. Alliance was assigned to make required changes until a certain date, and they failed to fulfill their duties. They have been replaced with a new force of completely pure souls. Right now, their energies daily are accelerating the process of changes and raising the frequencies to unseen heights.
Originally, the Ascension Event was supposed to happen in 2001, when Twin Towers were destroyed in America. The direct Alliance’s responsibilities are the removal of the Dark Entities and make other changes needed for the transition. Unfortunately, they used non stop excuses, why they didn’t fulfill their mission.
Now, I can assure that you are on the road to your destination of 5D. Please, trust, stay positive ...
The Industrial military complex system will try to sway attention away from the NSA< LEAKS that proves the U.S. pentagon, CIA outside operations with Norway military and secret service blew up the Nordstream pipelines. Confirming the BIDEN CRIME FAMILY is destroying our world peace. and delaying NESARA.