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September 15, 2022
Take Back Our Power

Don’t let yourself get burnt out on information.

Take it from me, this is a very real thing. There was a time, for the first year or so of my awakening, where before both of my eyes were fully open in the morning, I was reaching for my phone to check what was going on in the world. I was obsessed with the daily goings on, reading every news story, deciphering the possible hidden meanings, and it completely depleted me for awhile. Dangerously depleted, to the point where it almost killed for good my desire to pay attention or try to help out anymore. Those who followed me back then might remember entire weeks and months where I would go missing. For those weeks and months I was utterly useless to the cause I care so much about. It was a big lesson for me, and over time I have finally learned to listen to my soul which was crying out for balance.

Balance is the key to health.

Sure, a big part of what we’re in is an information war, that is very true. But there’s only so far we can advance in this direction with misinformation coming from both sides and no real access to “inside” information. How can we actually know anything? Even if you see something with your own eyes, it might not be an actual representation of the truth. Good guys might be bad, bad guys might be good. It’s exhausting.

In my opinion, the goal is to pay attention enough to grasp the big picture. Familiarize yourself with what we are up against and the tactics they use, this will support your drive to fight for what’s right. And we must stand up for what’s right. But that’s only a piece of it.

We were born during this time to be a part of something massive: The Great Awakening. Humanity has been on the path of covert slavery in a Silent War that was waged on us while we were sleeping. This point in history is where the path starts to pivot and turn back in the other direction.

I believe everything came from God. Humanity started out in light, and moved further and further into darkness. We can look around and clearly see how darkness and evil have pervaded everything. They don’t even hide anymore, it’s right out in the open. But eventually, the course was bound to reverse as everything has to return to the light.

As more people wake up and choose to fight on the side of GOOD and righteousness, we pull the path of all of humanity back in the right direction. Where we go one, we go all. Truly. We are all in the same boat, the more of us who grab an oar and start rowing, the less dead weight, and the faster we get to our destination.

This is about so much more than news or politics.

This is about our own Human Revolution.

We are here to struggle and strive and suffer and be challenged and get knocked down repeatedly, because the ultimate goal is to leave this life stronger, braver and more resilient than we came into it. We’re here to learn how to be better. Our obstacles are actually gifts, they are opportunities to grow. And we have the glorious choice to take on the ultimate challenge; to battle evil itself. How badass is that?

But you can’t effectively fight evil by focusing on the external world alone. You HAVE to maintain focus on your inner world. It’s simultaneously frustrating and a little bit liberating once you accept that we have very little direct control over our external world. We may as well be attempting to bend spoons with our minds. But it’s incredibly empowering that we have immense control over our internal world, which, in turn, has an indirect effect on the outside world by means of ripples that can become tsunamis. Again, where we go one, we go all. By changing yourself as an individual, you are pulling all of humanity along the path with you.

So how do we focus on our internal world to achieve our own personal Human Revolution? These are the things I’ve discovered so far that feel right to me, if you think I’ve forgotten something, please leave it in a comment below.

The first thing is taking responsibility for yourself. We are in this mess in the first place because humans got lazy and relinquished our rights so that someone else would protect or take care of us. We gave other people the responsibility to keep us informed, tell us what to eat, how to live, what to believe, etc. Responsibility and power are mutually exclusive. We gave away our responsibility, which means we gave away our power. Take that shit back. Right now. You are not a victim.

Take responsibility for your own health. Eat better, exercise, go outside, get sunlight, drink water, stop poisoning yourself. If you are sick, find a way to heal yourself for real. Research methods of healing and seek out those who did it before you to find out what they did and how they did it. Are you depressed? Have anxiety? PTSD? There are SO many things you can do yo help pull yourself out of those illnesses other than swallowing pills. I did this. I took the responsibility of my mental health away from my doctor whose solution was to numb me with medication for the rest of my life, I did research and I worked my ass off and I took my power back. I kicked the shit out of my depression, anxiety and PTSD. Many others have done the same with all types of illnesses, diseases and ailments. Find them. Learn from them. Then help others learn from you.

It’s so cliche but BE A GOOD PERSON. You know the rules. Don’t lie, steal, cheat, or intentionally harm another soul. The Golden Rule was not made up by kindergarten teachers who didn’t want you putting boogers in your classmate’s hair. These are Universal Laws. Men didn’t invent them, they discovered them through trial and error. To break these laws actually depletes your own Life Force, your power, vitality and potency. The more you break them, the weaker you become. They also rob you of your own happiness. There are no shortcuts to happiness, and certainly not through harming others. Take responsibility for your actions. You want to see a tsunami of fairness, integrity, kindness and justice move through your external world? Embody those things and be the ripple.

Lastly, the component I found that helps with all these things; seek FAITH and put it to the test until it becomes more solid than the ground. Then stand on that faith. I’m not talking about a particular religion, I’m talking about a belief in something far greater that feels right in your soul. This will look different to different people. As long as someone’s faith grounds them in ethics and morality (as almost all do) then why should we care? Our path is our own, as is theirs. Faith is personal, and it is the individual source of our own true inner strength. It’s not just the 40k foot view, it’s the 40 million mile view. Without faith, all this work is like endlessly slogging through mud with no end in sight. You’re going to crap out. Why bother? Faith is what keeps us on track, especially when things seem impossible. It helps us to “embrace the suck,” sometimes even with a smile on our face. We are here to move mountains, if we so choose, and we can’t move mountains without solid ground to stand on. Get clear on what you believe the bigger picture is and WHY you think we are here. If there is anything about your faith that isn’t quite aligning or feels even the slightest bit “off” to you, it may be time to reexamine your faith and find where the fracture is. Seek other perspectives, even if they ultimately only serve the purpose of showing you something that really doesn’t feel right and pushes you back to your original belief system. Don’t be afraid to take the responsibility of your beliefs away from the people and institutions who claim to have all the answers, and challenge these things for yourself. The truth will never be threatened by being challenged. Beware anyone who tells you it’s not your responsibility to seek the truth for yourself. We know what they are actually trying to take from you. Your power. Take responsibility for what it is you even believe in. If you are unclear, get on that. Time to do some research.

Our ultimate battle here is with ourselves. As someone who has been closely watching The Great Awakening unfold for a few years now, I fear we may be focused too much on the external world and facts we can’t verify and neglecting the wisdom and the knowledge of self that are required to fight the battles ahead. Improving ourselves as individuals is not only going to bring us victory faster, it’s going to make it that much sweeter when we win.

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For archival purposes so we don't lose this content, I am posting this video here.

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